
Monday, 22 June 2015


For as long as I can remember, my aunt has had a rather large patch of feverfew in her front yard flower bed.  Years ago, she let me take home a seed head, and I have had it growing in my yard ever since.
 It is one of my all time favourite early summer flowers.
 I decided to capture their essence in clay so that I can enjoy them year round. 
 At some point, I discovered a "double" feverfew flower in my yard, and both kinds have now been growing in harmony ever since...although they migrate all around the yard and I never really know where they will turn up.

 I've got a few extras listed over here in my etsy shop if you want to have a closer peek.

What garden flowers are you ejoying this year?

Linking up with:
Frontier Dreams for Keep Calm Craft On


  1. I love these flowers! Unfortunately they don't grow in my part of the world, but when I used to live in my motherland I was enjoying the fields covered in them every summer! I really miss them!

  2. They are gorgeous! I have been admiring your pencil holders in your shop. I think one would look gorgeous in a mottled blue colour with these flowers. Do I need another pottery treat?! Hmmm, maybe I can buy it for the kids to give me for Christmas?!

    1. Thank you Jayne, I do love the pencil holders, but I don't make very many of them because they are so hard to pack up for shows. Being round, they can't stack, and with flowers (or pinwheels, or whatever) attached, they become very breakable. Good idea though...I might give it another go with some of the little (less breakable) flowers.

  3. Your clay flowers are so sweet. And the Feverfew! I think I need to plant me some.

  4. They are gorgeous! I have been admiring your pencil holders in your shop. I think one would look gorgeous in a mottled blue colour with these flowers. Do I need another pottery treat?! Hmmm, maybe I can buy it for the kids to give me for Christmas?!

  5. BEautiful!! I love the way they are delicate and look exactly like the flowers. My you are quite talented :)

  6. How sweet, I've just checked out your Etsy shop too. I love the hand pulled platter. I must keep your shop in mind next Christmas.

    Funnily I was just thinking about feverfew this week and wanting to get a plant. We've had some warm oppressive weather with low cloud that brought on a headache. My mother used to eat the leaves from her feverfew plant in a sandwich when she had headache. I must try and find one. How lovely that your plants just seed themselves...really pretty.
    Happy potting.
