
Thursday, 16 January 2014

Planning ahead - Knitting for Christmas

I got myself into a bit of a jackpot this year.  Normally, I have everything all planned out and work on projects throughout the year so that by the time Winter Solstice and Christmas come around, I'm ready without any last minute stress.  Not this past year...nope...this past year I ended up scratching just about everything off the list, and as a result, I feel like we didn't really celebrate "properly".  No homemade cards were sent, no gifts to the staff at the school (other than for N's teachers), a 6 hour trip to the emergency room eliminated our winter solstice celebration...and on and on.
So, in an effort to get a few things done in advance, I am really hoping to finish up one project every month so the same thing doesn't happen again.  First up, is a little knit tie inspired by this one over at The Purl Bee.

The safety pin is to make me feel better.  It's hard to see the progress as I go, so every night I move the safety pin up to where I am starting from and I knit until I can see that I have done a few inches.
Some nights I only manage two inches, sometimes up to four.  I'm using a ball of sock yarn from my stash so that I have an even pattern without doing colourwork.  I am hoping to have this project finished up by the end of the month, and if I do a few inches every day, it should actually happen.  Then hopefully it will actually make it to Christmas!  A little someone I know doesn't own a tie and needs one from time to time, so knowing me, it is quite possible that it will come out of the "gift stash" at some point throughout the year.  We will see how it goes.

If anyone else wants to play along, we can help keep each other inspired.  Feel free to leave a comment on any posts to share what have planned and/or what you are working on.  Happy crafting!

Linking up with: Fiber Arts Friday over at Wisdom Begins in Wonder


  1. Excellent sounding plan! I have a lot of projects to finish this month but will definitely be starting my christmas knitting in february. Love this idea of using up sock yarn!! My youngest will wear a tie with anything - jogging bottoms t-shirt and tie!!

  2. I don't knit for Christmas, so I am thankfully off the hook! LOL. I just wait until Dec and then decide someone needs a hand knit thing and then stress to get it done. But if I did it far in advance I would just end up giving it to them when done, so it's a self defeating issue for me. Love the idea of a sock tie, just don't know anyone who would wear a tie. Hubster's given them up at this point.

  3. Wish I could be that organised! Hope your plan works out this year :)

  4. I want to be more organised this year, I was finishing my sons sweater on Christmas Eve! Most do better this year! Good luck with your plan!

  5. I love the idea of a knitted tie. I'm going to see if my husband wants one.

  6. I don't think my last comment saved. Grrrr

    Love the tie and getting a head start on holiday knitting.
