
Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Sharbot Lake

We have returned from our second holiday at Sharbot Lake, Ontario this summer.  A handful of days with no electricity (no distractions), no running water on our site (what better excuse to lounge by the lake), cooking over an open fire and heating water to wash the (very few) dishes.  Going to bed early to read by lantern light.  Perfection.  Here's why we will be going back again and again...
Beautiful views...
Lovely areas to swim,
 or make a splash,
or meet a new friend.
 Celebrating a birthday with flat-pack items that can squeeze into an already overstuffed truck.
 Walking around, looking for signs of wildlife,
 and wondering what lives in little nooks and crannies,

 and why things are the way they are.
Checking out some interesting growth,

 and some unusual things we have never seen (incidentally, this is called Indian Pipe and is a sign of a healthy woodland...and it is the strangest plant I have ever seen in person).
And this is just a snippet of why we love the town of Perth so much.  This is INSIDE a building. We went into town the day it was supposed to rain at dinner time (which it did) so we wouldn't have to try to cook over a fire that wouldn't stay lit.  See...we learned from last time.

I hope you are all enjoying your holidays as well.

1 comment:

  1. What great pictures and was a little journey in the past for me....I've enjoyed many a trip like you took, except I stayed in a cabin but I love to explore things like you do. Thanks for sharing.
