
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Homemade Frozen Treats For Summer

It's berry season.  What better way to use up an abundance of berries than some simple homemade frozen treats to get you through the heat wave?  On the left, currant sorbet.  On the right, frozen gooseberry yogurt.

First up:  Sorbet.  We had an abundance of red currants, so that's what we used this time around.

Bring to a boil: 4 pounds of red currants (stems removed) with 3 cups of water in a large pot until the skins crack, mashing if necessary.  Reduce heat to medium and continue at a low boil until most of the colour is gone from the berries and the juice is dark red.
Pass the berries through a food mill or sieve.  Discard the seeds and skins.
Add honey to taste.  We added 1/2 cup of honey to this batch because the boys like it super tart.  For myself, I would add about a cup.  Yields about 9 cups.
Pour into freezer safe containers.  Cool, then freeze for at least 6 hours.

Gooseberry Frozen yogurt.

Bring to a boil: 2 pints gooseberries (stems removed) with 4 tbsp water.  Mash them, and boil for about 5 minutes longer, or until they are starting to thicken up.  
Excuse the nasty picture, but it sure is difficult to capture the consistency on camera.
Pass the berries through a food mill or sieve.  Add 4 tbsp cane sugar and stir until dissolved.  Stir in 2 cups of vanilla yogurt.  Pour into small mason jars.

 Add the lid after they have frozen.  Enjoy!

In the next week and a half, my oldest has to have 5 teeth pulled AND get braces.  Hopefully these frozen goodies will go a long way to helping with the comfort level.

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