
Monday, 22 April 2013

I'm back...a pottery update

Some of you may have been wondering where I have been lately...
 I was getting ready for my first pottery show and sale as a member of the Sarnia Lambton Potter's Guild.
 Oh my goodness, it was so much fun...I want to do it again and again...
...but when I showed up, my table was looking rather picked now I need to/get to make some more.  Yippee!

This little friendly guy is Jack...he lives at the greenhouse where we had our show.  He visited every last one of us I am pretty sure (we didn't put him there, he came to investigate on his own).

Coming soon, pictures of the other reason I have been away for so long.  We have been working hard getting ready for an art show and used book sale at the school my children attend.

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