
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Knitting and Reading - taking it easy

My last couple of knitting projects have totally taken it out of me.  I had to unravel my colour work sock which I had spent hours on because it was too tight (although the colour work itself, I really liked) and after spending two weeks on a project that I had to frog and knit and frog and knit only to have it come out so bad I actually threw it in the garbage can (I couldn't even salvage the yarn at that point), I decided that I needed to spend some time with a mindless project.  No new skills, no paying attention, just grab a ball of yarn and go.
I am calling it my 2 year blanket because I would like to have it finished by next summer.  It takes me roughly 12 and a half minutes to knit one row of this blanket so it will be a long long process, but, I don't even have to pay attention to it.  Right now, that is exactly the kind of project I need.  I will be casting on some more complicated projects shortly but I think I will enjoy having this one sitting around to pick up when I need a break.

I finished Middlemarch on the weekend, and have moved on to "A Rose for the Crown" which is set in the midst of the York/Lancaster battle for the throne.  I am only on the second chapter so far.  It is also exactly what I need right now...something I can pick up and read here and there for pure entertainment.

What are you working on and reading this week? 

Linking up with Ginny at small things for Yarn Along.  Won't you come join us?


  1. I'm sorry about your socks, but I know what you mean about having a mindless project around. Sometimes the only thing I can handle is garter stitch. ;-)

  2. Oh man I am sorry about all of the frogging. That was some tough knitting. This blanket sounds perfect! Love the colors.

  3. Ugh, I feel your pain! Hoorah for mindless knitting projects. And a long term blanket is a wonderful thing :)

  4. I am loving all those colors together! Two years shall go quickly by :)

  5. Beautiful stripes! Love those colors together!

  6. Like your two year blanket, my shawl is a multi-year project. :)

  7. I just finished a blanket like yours made for remarkably similar reasons and I love it. Making it was also very therapeutic. Best of luck to you. ;)

  8. Awfully pretty colors, Natalie. It's a beautiful combination!
