
Thursday, 31 January 2013

It's Thursday...

I have realized that I have a very hard time keeping myself to a schedule.  I was so desperately trying to keep to the "baby steps to preparing for emergencies" by putting it together with "three things on Thursday" but things are just too darn unpredictable, especially when the kidlets end up sick on Thursdays.

Here is something interesting though:  if you are a regular reader, you may remember from my last "Thursday" post that I was trying to clear up the least get everything up off the floor.  That Thursday night, I finished off roughly 1/3 of the basement.  Every last bit was off the floor near the door that goes outside, and consequently, near the washing machine which, plumbing-wise, is the low point of the house.  Saturday morning, our plumbing backed up and partially flooded the basement floor.  The newly cleaned basement floor that just two days before had cardboard boxes full of "stuff" lying all over the place.  Pheee-yoof.  Close call.  So, there is # 1 for today - emergencies come in all shapes and sizes.  It's not the end of the world as we know it that I am preparing for, but all those little nasties that catch us unaware (not that I judge the preppers who do - more power to you).

I received this little booklet at work - from our insurance company, which I thought was pretty funny since most people I know don't give it a second thought.  It had a great suggestion in it, which I plan to do.  Since most of the important phone numbers I need are stored on my cell phone, I will be printing up individual cards with important numbers that we will keep in each evacuation bag, in my purse, and on the bulletin board in case of emergencies.   They suggest the following:

-adult workplaces
-ambulance/medical services
-children's school/daycare
-credit card companies
-dentist (this one is already on the bulletin board from the time that S smashed out his 3 front teeth- baby teeth thank goodness)
-doctors and specialists
-electrician (good one - I hadn't thought of this - ever)
-family, friends, neighbours (since these are in my address book, I am not sure I will include them)
-fire department
-home security provider (if applicable)
-hospital/ health clinic
-insurance provider (wouldn't have thought of this one on my own either)
-plumber (you bet it's going on the list after the other weekend)
-poison control
-provincial telehealth or health information hotline (I won't be adding this, since the 3 times I called they couldn't answer anything I asked - what, pray tell, is the point?)
-utility providers - gas/electric/water
-veterinary (need this, wouldn't have thought of it)

#3) Also from the little booklet:  they list some emergency preparedness resources.  I haven't visited them yet, but I will be doing so this week, hopefully:

St. John Ambulance
Canadian Red Cross
Provincial/Territorial Emergency Management Organizations
Public Safety Canada
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
Insurance Bureau of Canada
For kids:  Scouts Canada and Girl Guides of Canada

So, how about you?  Any baby steps, or big giant leaps, getting ready for emergencies.  Please share.


  1. Here's a video on how to felt soap. I think you can leave the stocking part out. You can use any soap you want... we used some commercial soap that I can't remember. Just need to make sure the fiber is feltable... so wool, alpaca, yak.

  2. this is something very much on my mind lately, Natalie. Thank you for sharing.
