
Thursday, 7 June 2012

Around the "farm"

I love the around the farm posts over at Old Gates Farm so I thought I would do one this week too.

Keep in mind I am smack in the middle of the city.
 Hobbes... on a leash/ harness.  My only "farm animal".  For now.
 Not enough support for the bumper crop of peas...they have fallen over completely.
 A volunteer maple tree in the strawberry patch.  I will be digging it up to put in a pot like I did with the other give it a chance to grow and then plant it out somewhere it will have room.
 Blackberry blossoms.
 The mint patch in its early days.  In about 2 weeks I will be overwhelmed with it.
 The "meadow" where I plunk flowering plants that should attract butterflies and bees.  And in the background...our wedding tree (the evergreen).
 Look at all the fruit to be on one of the "wild" blackberries that I transplanted to our yard!
 Finally tidied up the front bed so it looks better from the street.
 The new blueberry patch in the front yard...the neighbours don't know yet that they are blueberries...they just think I planted shrubs.  I am sneaky like that.  All the sedums in the previous shot used to be in this bed.
Yesterday's harvest.  I had planned to try to pickle the onions using a recipe I found yesterday but I didn't get to it.  Hopefully tonight...then I will share.


  1. I love it! A cat is an essential farm animal. :-)

  2. you have a lot going on in your "farm" in the city!! thanks so much for sharing! those strawberries look delicious!

  3. Lovely harvest. I especially envy the gooseberries. I had to laugh about the neighbors and the blueberries. What do they have against blueberries!
