
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

A bit at a time...

I need a new summer wardrobe....quite badly.  But here's the thing - I hate shopping!  I'm all right to go get some shirts and stuff at the Goodwill, but regular shopping, when I need something is akin to torture for me.    You see, I think I am quite disproportionately built.  Clothes.Never.Fit!  I am not exaggerating.   I mean if you try on about 60 dresses in your size and nothing actually fits the way it is intended, you kinda start to feel like maybe there is something wrong, you know?!? So, even though I need some new clothes, very little can get me motivated to get my butt out there and do something about it.
But...I do have a sewing machine...and heaps of fabric that I figure I can make some decent skirts from.  So I have cut out a few different fabrics to make some.  I made one last year using a skirt panel from NEWLOOK pattern #6496 as a guide and quite liked how it turned out...and since I have a problem with pattern pieces fitting too, I thought I would just use the same pattern but modify each skirt so that each one looks different.

So, above you see the fabric for two of the skirts, cut and serged.  I still need to go back over the seams with the sewing machine because the fabric wants to pull apart for some reason.  I don't think my tension was right, but the seams are serged so I have that step done (backwards).
Hopefully before too long, you will see the finished projects.  It is mid May after all, so I can't wear my corduroy pants too much longer without attracting "looks" (although, side note: I was still wearing my hat today because it is a mere 9 degrees).

The books:
I really really wanted to like "the urban homestead".  I thought it would be right up my alley.  I don't know who this book is written for, but I found the beginning to be so basic I think it would have to be a very very beginner...but then there are chapters in there for people who have an established homestead and are looking to add advanced for where I am sitting right now.  I will say that the chapter on chickens was very informative, but I had to put it down for a break because it is so full of mistakes!  Easy mistakes, like spelling errors, and words missing, and things that generally make me wonder how the editor got paid.  Things like writing DYI instead of DIY.  Things that drive me nutty.  I found 6 or so in the first couple of chapters and it is ruining the book for me.
So it is on the back burner.  I will go back to it, but not for a week or so.  In the meantime, I am reading The Silent fiction pick this week, and so far it is very very good.  I plan on reading plenty more of it tonight.

I will be linking up with In the heart of my home for Needle and thREAD tomorrow.

And also, if you are so inclined...go check out Kathryn's Brain...she has added me to the recipients of the Liebster Blog Award.  Woot woot!  Thanks Kathryn.  And if anyone who knows me personally could do me a favour... check out her profile picture while you are there.  Do you think I can get my hair to do that?  I think hers is gorgeous.  Maybe I should have V go to that link and see if she can do it for me.  What do you think?


  1. I love her hair!! I say go for it. You may need a bit of product, and a lot of layering, but I truly think V can do it!

    Also, skirts with colour, I approve :)

  2. LOL. Thanks. It's a gently layered haircut, leave-in conditioner, styling lotion and drying with a diffuser.

  3. Ahh, thanks. It is the diffuser I am missing. Will have to look into that.

  4. Love that blue fabric!
