
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

where is my...

So there hasn't been too terribly much crafting going on at my house because the room where the craft supplies are stored looks like this: every time I want to make something, it starts with "where is my (insert anything here)"?  Some stuff, including my sewing machine and serger have been moved to piles in the unfinished basement, some in the dining room, some in my get the idea.  It has been like this for about a month as we work on it slowly...we had paint husband literally could vacuum it off the walls.  Huh!

But I do have one small project on the go that I started last night...and hope to show the finished item tomorrow...
Here is a sneak peek...and it's my own hand spun...ta da da DAAA.  I am really liking the way it knits up, seeing as how it was just for practice.
Now, I'm going to hope on over to Frontier Dreams to see what everyone else is crafting on...won't you join us?


  1. the yarn looks beautiful~ you are a very talented lady...


  2. I also LOVE your yarn choice!

    Samantha (Woodland Woolens)

  3. The yarn looks extra soft, love the shades of grey. Curious to see what your project turns out to be. Right now it looks like a little purse to me.

  4. Your handspun is lovely! I find that with a variegated yarn like that, my eyes are so fascinated that I can't stop knitting!

  5. I can just imagine drinking my red raspberry tea out of a cozy covered jar!! Gray happens to be my favorite color! Nice!

    Here is my craftiness of the week..
