
Thursday, 1 March 2012

Felted Eggs

I am trying something new to me:  wet felting over a plastic egg.
 I still have plenty of sheep fleece in my stash.  I thought I would try to make something for the boys for spring.  They are getting a little old for the old "find the plastic eggs" thing, but I wanted to do something, so I am trying out felted eggs.
I wrapped a plastic egg in two layers of carded fleece, drizzled a little dish soap on it, and rubbed it and squeezed it and smooshed it around, alternating hot hot water with cold cold water.
After about 15 minutes, it looked like this...the plastic egg inside is the size of the one on the right.  I plan on doing this same thing in 3 sizes and then cutting an opening to get the egg out.  I will then blanket stitch around the opening, and hopefully they will fit on inside the other, and then I can put a surprise in the smallest one.  I don't know what yet.  I also don't know if they will all be white, or if each layer should be a different colour.
This one egg took a lot more fleece than I thought, so this should make a significant dent in my stash.  I will update as the project goes on...I figure I should be able to make one a day...and then wait for them to dry.  The one I made last night was still wet this morning.

Now I'm off to see what Crunchy Catholic Momma has going on for stash bash fun this week.  Won't you join us?


  1. These are so cool! I would definitely change the color though- so much more fun! (Kool-aid will do the trick, if you have a lot of white)

  2. ahhhh, now that is a great idea!

  3. These are so neat -- ingenius, Natalie!

  4. Very cute!! the kids and i just made some felted soap for the first time for a homemade spa gift basket...very fun possibly addictive:)

  5. OOh what a great idea, I do have fleece and I'm sure I have some plastic eggs around here somewhere. What will you put inside? Lovely project this week. Thanks for joining in.

  6. What a fun idea!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! Have a great week!

  7. I love this!!! Perfect with easter coming up soon. Thanks for inspiring us and sharing at Sharing SAturday. hope to see you again this week.

