
Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Halted in Progress Yarn Along.

It is in fact Tuesday night, but I am going to pretend it is Wednesday morning...  and get my post ready to join Ginny at small things for another round of Yarn Along.

Moving on to a new cable this week.  This is as far as I got on it...the pattern was in a library book which I had to return today, so I am on hold.  Not to worry, I have purchased the book, and it is in transit, and should be here in a few days so I will be able to move on.

The book in the picture is Brian's Return, which apparently is the last in the series.  I had read Brian's Winter, and knew that I had missed Hatchet (the first in the series), but I was OK with that since Brian's Winter was kind of an alternate ending to Hatchet.  I didn't know that there was another book in the series that I missed called The River.  So now, I will be on the lookout for both Hatchet and The River.  Briefly, it is about a boy who is returning to the woods after two years of being in the city.  He had previously been in a plan crash and had to survive in the wilderness for months before finally making it back.  He returns because he just can't live in the city anymore.  I truly enjoyed this book...a big part of which is because we feel the need, every single day, to get our butts out of the city.  We don't know where, we don't know when, and we don't know how we are going to do it...but we feel the need.  And for some of us, it grows stronger every day.


And back to the yarn along...I think my cable looks OK for the first run at it.  I like it much better in white.  And I like it much better in the book.  I am hoping by the time I make the second and third of the strips I will have it looking just dandy.  The book, if you are wondering, is Country Weekend Knits and it is so nice that I have bought it.  It is only the second knitting book I have ever purchased if that gives you a hint.  Usually I get them from the library.

And...all of the yarn for this work in progress is from my stash of wool, so I am adding the link below for any that have missed it.


  1. Your knitting is beautiful and I know you will be so excited when your book arrives.
    My son read all the Hatchet books and loved them, but Hatchet was his favorite {I just asked him}. I hope your dreams come together soon and you find your place in the country!
    Happy Yarn Along!

  2. Oh, I think your cables are beautiful! I learned to knit cables pretty recently and was addicted to them for quite awhile - so fun! I hope your dream comes true, too. I've learned that these things manifest themselves at just the right time, but the in-between time is difficult, I know.
    Blessings to you,

  3. I really liked Hatchet, though I've never read any of the follow-ups. But considering what happens to him in the first book, I'm not surprised he's changed enough that he feels he can't live in the city.

  4. I'd say the cables are coming along nicely. I found cables challenging, but fun because of that. Of course it's been an eon since I knit one. :)

    I'm always on the lookout for a good book, so I appreciate your recommendation.

  5. Your cable is so pretty! I'll be honest though. I read hatchet in seventh grade and hated it, hated... Buy I was twelve, and things change, so...

    P.S. I think the modifications on your blog aren't letting me comment with my typepad blog. It's happening with many blogger blogs lately...

  6. the cable looks great! and yes, when you talk about getting out of the city i understand. As Ed Abbey said in Monkey Wrench Gang, man would go mad without wilderness.


  7. i think your cable looks wonderful natalie! i love yours in that color. and congratulations on adding to your knitting library!

  8. What a gorgeous cable! I read Hatchet when I was in middle school and absolutely loved it. I didn't know there was a third in the series. Thanks for the heads up!

  9. That looks great! Good job.

  10. Oh wow. Your cable work looks fantastic! I still haven't tried doing something like this but every time I see someone's project it gets me going. I am definitely going to have to try this one of these days :) Happy knitting and thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment on my socks.
