
Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Of Flowers and Vases

I love bringing fresh flowers into my home.  From the first bloom of the year (daffodils at my house) all the way through to the last greens of winter, I usually have a little snippet of something fresh in at least one room in my house.  
I've been working on some new vases so that other people can have that luxury too...vases that I hope are lovely enough to stand on their own, but not so intricate that they detract from the flowers that I add. 
 Especially since I tend to just grab a few simple blooms without ever doing anything fancy with them.
I'm finding that I really like grey vases with flowers.  For years, I made all my vases white, but I think I see a lot more grey vases in the near future.
 See how the flowers just pop against it?

 And although these aren't vases, I think the flowers on them give me permission to add them here.
I made them as spoon rests, but people have been buying them for ring dishes, soap dishes, for business cards...that's one of the things I love best about doing shows in get to talk to the customers and see just how they are going to use the pieces in their every day lives.

Linking up with:

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Sarnia Lambton Potters Guild Spring Sale 2015

So last weekend was the 2015 Sarnia Lambton Potters' Guild Spring of my favourite events of the year.  I only got pictures of a handful of the potters' works before my shift started, but I thought you may enjoy a little tour:
 Lydia Nicholson Pottery (above and below).

 Marg Hebbourn (above and below).

 Jane Danic (above and below).

 Mad Pursuit Pottery -a husband and wife team (above and below).

Yours truly - Remembrances and AtTheCrossroads (above and below)

 Ronni Blackmore (above and below)

Wherever you are, I hope you have a chance to get out and support your local makers 
this spring and summer.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Forest Garden Club Home and Garden Show

Next weekend, you can find me at the Home and Garden Show
Hosted by the Forest Garden Club
 Saturday April 25, 2015
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
 Admission $3.00
Location: The Shores Arena Complex, Forest, Ontario
Food Booth, Door Prizes, Tooney Tables.

I'll be bringing every "gardeny" thing I have.
Hope to see some of my local friends there!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Sarnia Lambton Potters Guild Sale

The Sarnia Lambton Potters' Guild Annual Spring Sale
will be held once again at Degroots' Nurseries on London Line, Sarnia
on April 17th and 18th
Friday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.  Saturday 8:00 a.m to 5:00

Have a sneak peak at some of the vendors:

Remembrances:  on etsy over here (AtTheCrossroads) and on Facebook over here (that's me!)
Mad Pursuits Pottery: on etsy over here an on Facebook over here (Brendan and Emily are wickedly talented)
Lydia Nicholson Pottery: on etsy over here and on Facebook over here (I admire Lydia's style immensely)
Sweet Fusion Glass Jewellery & Gifts: on Facebook over here (Katherine Bisson)
Ronni Blackmore: on Facebook over here
Pauline's Pots 
Elizabeth Martiniuk
Jane Danic
Marg Hebbourn
Brid Lachapelle